EHS工程师/安全工程师 6-8K
东莞巴拉斯迪软管科技有限公司 Production Dept 广东东莞 2天前刷新
学历要求本科 工作经验3年 现居住地东莞


  • 求职中如遇招聘方扣押证件、要求提供担保或收取财物(如抵押金、培训费等)、强迫入股或集资、收取不正当利益或其他违法情形,请立即举报,并保留证据,维护自身合法权益。
  • 如遇职位要求赴海外工作,请提高警惕,谨防诈骗。


工作职责Job Decription:
•Ensure the factory EHS performance meets requirements of the laws and regulations from either central government or local government. Eliminate any noncompliance risks that are related to EHS. 确保工厂的EHS表现符合国家和地方政府法律法规的要求。消除一切有关EHS违规的风险。
•Responsible for EHS management of the factory. 负责工厂EHS的管理。
•Implement EHS improvement in line with the factory daily operation. 在工厂日常运营的基础上实施工厂EHS改善。
•Establish and implement the EHS management project, cooperate with the other departments to ensure a continuous improvement of EHS system. 建立并实施EHS管理项目,在其他部门的帮助下实施EHS系统的持续改善活动。
•Responsible for safety, constructor, fireproofing, environment and occupational health, communicate with the related departments ensuring effective supervision and control. 负责安全,建筑,防火,环保和职业健康,和相关部门进行沟通以确保有效监督和控制。
•Responsible for waste management including collection, storage, record, disposal etc. 负责废物的管理,包括收集、储存、记录以及处理等。
•Manage the special positions like the forklift driving, electrician. 管理特殊岗位如叉车工、电工等。
•Responsible for safety training and safety evaluation in regular bases. 负责定期的安全培训和安全审查。
•Conduct fire drills as required and improve the effectiveness. 按要求实施消防演习并确保其有效性。
•Conduct risk assessment report for all processes and equipment and come up with actions if risks exist. 对所有的生产工艺和生产设备实施危险评估程序,如果有风险则需要采取措施。
•Work injury management including immediate action, investigation and long term solution follow-up. 工伤管理包括临时措施,调查以及长期措施的跟踪。
•Responsible for liaison work with the related government departments or other external departments. 负责和政府部门或其他外部机构的联络。
•Responsible for managing yearly health check for the company employees. 负责年度职业健康危险因素的检测以及职业病体检的安排。
•Responsible for PPE management – purchase request, stock control, use record etc. 负责个人劳动防护用品的管理 – 申购,库存管理,发放管理等。
•5S work coordination. 5S工作协调员。
•Other tasks may be required. 其他分配的工作。
任职资格 Job qualification:
•Bachelor degree, preferred in environmental/safety management. 本科,最好环境/安全管理相关专业
•At least 3 years working experience in EHS area of manufacturing enterprises. 三年以上制造业企业的EHS工作经验
•Familiar with ISO14001, OHSAS1800 system and EHS related laws and regulations. 熟悉ISO14001, OHSAS1800管理体系和EHS相关的法律法规
3096 8104-9|171 3472 5681 71•Basic understanding of English 一般英文水平

广东东莞常平镇桥梓村95号 (环城路口)